Listen to the differences in pitch and tone as you play the same notes on different spots on the fretboard. You might also want to play some of the C minor scale positions in a row, starting in 8th position and then switching to 10th, or any additional positions you learn. Using a metronome as you practice your scales can also help you focus on keeping time while you play. As you build more strength in your fingers, you can begin to play the scales a little faster. Start slowly, and make sure that you’re cleanly fretting each note with soft hands, using the correct finger placement. Practicing your scales – playing them over and over – is simply the best way to memorize your scales. To play the C minor scale in tenth position, start with your index finger on the tenth fret and follow the tab, beginning on the fourth (D) string. To play the C minor scale in the 8th position, start with your index finger on the eight fret and follow the tab, beginning on the low E string. Now, let’s cover the guitar tabs for each of the C minor scales we just studied.
Still, as both forms of notation are common, it’s good to have a full understanding of both so you’re not limited as you continue to learn to play guitar. They break up learning scales into more step-by-step directions, offering a different way to learn that you may (or may not) find easier. Guitar tabs represent scales in a different way. Scale diagrams make for a great way to learn guitar scales and structure, but they aren’t the only method. In this lesson, we’ll be demonstrating the C natural minor scale as the finger patterns are easy for beginners to remember.

Now, let’s cover two of the various positions and finger placements you’ll need to learn in order to play the C minor scale on the guitar. If you’ve studied the Eb major scale, you’ll notice that it includes the same notes as the C minor scale, but in a different order. There are seven notes in the C minor scale: You’ll learn about the notes it contains, as well as where to place your fingers on the fretboard in order to play this scale in a few different ways. In this lesson, we’ll cover the C natural minor scale. Blues and jazz are two genres where you can listen for the C minor scale and hear its soulful sound put to use. Like most minor scales, C minor has a history of use in melancholy musical pieces, conveying sadness and grief, but also resilience and survival. Minor scales are comprised of three scale patterns – the natural minor scale, the harmonic minor scale and the melodic minor scale. The C minor scale offers a great balance of sadness and grit, making it one of the most popular scales used in blues songs. Lesson: Playing the C Minor Scale on Guitar